Fundamentals of International Taxation from a Rwanda perspective and International Finance Centres’ roles and challenges


The course provides a better understanding of the importance of taxation considerations and to have a good insight into the current developments in international business taxation. It also covers the roles and challenges of International Financial Centres (IFCs).




Head of Tax Advisory at DTOS Group

A former Top Executive from the Mauritius Revenue Authority with more than 40 years’ experience in taxation, Mr. Hannelas has occupied various positions in the Mauritius Public Service, such as Chief Investigating Officer at the Income Tax Department, Deputy Commissioner of Income Tax, Commissioner of Large Taxpayer Department and as the Technical Adviser on International Taxation to the Director General of the Mauritius Revenue Authority (MRA). He is a fellow member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants of UK and holds a post graduate diploma (DESS) in Tax Administration from the University of Paris Dauphine, France and is a member of the Mauritius Institute of Professional Accountants (MIPA).


General Manager - DTOS Rwanda

Didier joined DTOS in 2013 to head their newly set-up Africa Desk and as of today, he heads the International Operations and Capital Markets divisions of the DTOS Group: As General Manager of DTOS Capital Markets Ltd, Didier oversees the operations of DTOS Registry Services Ltd, a registrar & transfer agent licensed by the Financial Services Commission (FSC) which he assisted to set up in September 2018 and which acquired the business of Harel Mallac Corporate Services Ltd in February 2022. Didier also oversees the operations of LCF Securities Ltd and of LCF Securities International Ltd, both licensed by the FSC to offer Investment Dealer and Investment Advisory services. He was closely involved in the acquisition of these two entities in November 2022. He has also spearheaded the launching of Regional Delivery Centres in Kampala (Uganda) in 2016, in Nairobi (Kenya) and in the Middle East (DMCC and RAK free zones) in 2018 and in KIFC (Kigali International Financial Centre) in 2022.


Client Risk Assessment​

• Digitalised Client Screening, profiling and enhanced due

FATCA/CRS Reporting​

Assistance to comply with US Foreign Account Tax
Compliance Act (FATCA) & OECD Common Reporting
Standards (CRS):

• Apply the prescribed due diligence rules and completing the
‘Self-Certification’ exercise;

• Design and implement internal processes and procedures to
ensure compliance under FATCA/CRS;

• Assist in compiling, assessing, validating and reporting the
reportable information under FATCA/CRS to the competent
authorities in XML format.

Independent compliance audit​

• Run an independent onsite AML / CFT audit

• Run a Consultancy and Project Development programme

Training and Refresher Courses

• AML / CFT Risk Management

• Data Protection Framework

• Legal and Regulatory Updates